The Virgin Birth

Finally, a day without rain! The house had looked gloomy all week long. I was so looking forward to the sun shining in through the windows. As I opened the blinds and curtains, a memory rippled through my mind.


It was a day much like today. My daughter was just four years old then. I remembered that it had rained all week. But sun was forecasted so, we were planning a trip to the playground right after lunch.


I told her that we should go up to her room and open her curtains so the sun could shine through. But she was adamant about not doing that. I was surprised and asked why. She told me that if the sun came through her window, it would break the glass. I explained to her that the light from the sun could shine right through her window without breaking the glass at all.


She seemed satisfied with the explanation, but I wasn't sure if she truly understood. I wasn't sure if I understood either, but still, I believe it with all my heart to this very day!


"Holy Mary, from you the Son of God was born, separated from your Womb like Light passing through a spotless window. And like a window given fully to the sun, you remained unbroken and forever a Virgin."

