
Out of poor, non-nutritive soil, the carnivorous plant raises its sinister head, arranges its colorful traps, and waits to allure an unsuspecting member of the insect world.

Suddenly a delicate creature is seduced by irresistible scents, submits to the sweetness and is trapped.

In startling awareness of its error, it struggles to escape. But it's far too late. The trap enslaves it. A death grip drains it. Whatever it was or hoped to become is gone forever.

Now, mutilated and almost impossible to identify, its coffin is closed, and a plane lifts it from Guyana in route home. Its message is repeated over 900 times: "Don't give away your soul except to God."

[On November 18, 1978, over 900 members of an American cult called the People's Temple committed a mass suicide-murder in Jonestown, Guyana under the direction of their leader, the Reverend Jim Jones.]