The Witch and the Virgin Mary



A true happening . . .


 Out of nowhere, a Voice spoke to a witch high priestess

saying . . ."How can you--a high priestess in Wicca--who calls

upon a mother goddess, ignore the apparitions of the Virgin Mary

that are being reported around the world? If you are true to what

you say you believe, then you must investigate."  


The Voice spoke to my hearing and heart, 

From somewhere beyond and unknown:


"You, high priestess of Wiccan degree, who honor maid, mother, and crone;


"Women you see as ruling supreme, believing the moon holds your power.

"Casting your circle by magick decree at the stroke of the midnight hour.


"Now hear as I speak this singular Truth: Blessed Mary's appearing on Earth.

"Clothed with the sun, on the moon She stands, speaking words of infinite worth.


"How can you not come to hear Her? How can you not come yet stay true?

"How can you not come to wonder, if She visits the World to call you?


The high priestess could give no answer,

But her heart flew aloft from its nest.

Awed by this Woman's appearance,

She stirred at the thought of a quest.


The priestess sought out Mary's visions,

And visited Shrines such as these.

It was there that she found Eden's Garden,

And fifty-three and one hundred keys.


Each key was one "Hail Mary."

And beyond her Wiccan ideal,

She entered the realm of the mystics.

And knelt at the Cross where they kneel.



There are 153 Hail Mary prayers in the original full rosary.


"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.  Blessed are you among women.

And blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen."

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