
Published on 21 November 2023 at 23:57

The serpent asked, "Did God say?  To eat this fruit's a sin?

"He knows that it will make you wise, and you'll become like Him."


In Eden’s primal splendor, the devil lied to Eve.

Adam heard that damning Lie, but he did not perceive.


In their blood we share their guilt; we fell as far as they,

Yet...we believe that Snakebit Lie to this very day.


Yes, still he tells that Lie, so hearts will make their wish

for magick all their own to use.  He tells it just like this:


“Like God you will become!

"The future you will tell!

"The ghostly dead will greet you,

"Through this Necromantic spell!

"In potion, charm, and magick,

"Your will for good or bane!

"Through sorcery and wizardry

"And witchery you’ll reign!


But consider this . . .


Eden’s Gates are barred, and the devil was kicked out.

This stolen bit of bitten fruit he’s touting all about.


Eden's elemental power are powers obsolete.

A fragment from the Garden that he clings to in defeat.


He bargains for your soul; tricks you with Occult.

His school’s a dark deceit—same Lie and same result.


We cannot become God; the devil knows full well.

He tried that scam before, and he ended up in hell.


But...there's no bloody pact, no vow that we have made,

No demon writ that we have signed or contract we okayed,


That Jesus—by His dying--can’t decree as null and void.

His Blood signed our new Charter. Other warrants He destroyed.


No magick is required, just a prayer from you to Him:

"Jesus be my Savior, here's my life, forgive my sin."





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