The Ball Who Was Afraid to Bounce

Published on 22 November 2023 at 00:07

There was a ball who was afraid

Of bouncing up too high.

He had a fear of heights, you see,

Afraid he’d bump the sky.

Instead, he rolled upon the ground

To see what he could see.

But all the grass got in his way

And he could not roll free.

He tried to bounce just down--not up,

But only then to find,

With every down he went--an up

Just followed close behind.

He was so sad, afraid to bounce,

Afraid to bounce at all.

What would he do? Who would he be

If not a bouncing ball?

He must be brave and not afraid,

To even touch the sky.

He thought, if God had made him so,

He must, at least, just try!

He found a smooth place free from bumps,

And with his bouncing might,

He bounced a bounce of highest high,

To the very highest height.

 He found he did not bump his head!

The sky was not so low.

He was a happy bouncing ball,

Forever it was so!


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