Mr. Winkle Had a Wrinkle

Published on 22 November 2023 at 00:05

Mr. Winkle had a wrinkle

When he smiled wide.

He tried to hide it with a frown,

But then it multiplied!

He tried to cry. Then tried to sigh.

Then made an angry face.

The wrinkles just kept showing up

Not one could he erase.

He bought some cream, something green

To smooth his face at night.

When he woke up, he was so sad,

His wrinkles stayed in sight.

He tried a hat. Then grew his hair

So, people couldn’t see.

Those wrinkles, Mr. Winkle thought,

Were old and so ugly!

“But wait!” he thought, “When I smiled

“I only had just one!

“When I’m angry, sad or frown,

“There's more than just that one.

“If I have to have a wrinkle,

“I’ll choose the smiley kind.

“When people see my smiling face,

“My wrinkles they won't mind.”

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