Feeling Kind of Sick

Published on 22 November 2023 at 00:04

I’m feeling kind of sick today.

 Mom says to stay in bed.

She says my cheeks are sort of hot,

They look a little red.


But I’ll be missed at school today,

When teacher calls my name.

I won’t be there. I know she’ll care.

So sad I never came!


My own desk chair, will be alone,

My crayons will stay boxed up.

My lunchbox will be home with me,

All empty and closed up.


And who can raise my hand but me?

And take my place in line?

How will I know each story’s name

That’s read at Storytime?


Mom said, “Just close your eyes and rest,

“I’ll call your school to say,

“That you’re not feeling very well

“And cannot come today.”


Today was done and school let out,

And kids played in the yard.

My Mom came in and handed me

A brightly colored card.


 “Sad to hear you’re sick,” it said,

“Please get well and hurry!

“We kept your place in line today,

“Your chair is fine don’t worry.


“Your crayons helped draw a picture,

“To keep from being sad.

“They helped to make this card for you,

“With all the love they had.”


I felt better! I felt stronger!

I felt well! I felt good!

All because I quit my worry,

 My good friends told me I should!


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