The Landing of the Alien Gods

Published on 21 November 2023 at 23:58


So, you've actually landed, and finally took the risk!

For years you've mesmerized the world with flying orb and disk.


Your roadside super show, with its tricks of time and space:

A little curve, a warp, some light, then crafts that leave no trace.


Can you keep your I.D. hidden--your high-tech secret game,

Till your grand delusion makes us trust your pseudo-claim?


You say you made our race, with your genetic code,

Some quantum-altered DNA and special sequence load?


Your focus on genetics is a suspect Biomed,

You might create a body, but Eternal Souls aren't bred!


Oh, some will sure believe you, bewildered and afraid.

Some will question every Creed and all that God has made.


One question begs an answer in the midst of all your fuss,

Tell me, who created you if you created us?


You waited till the world had wandered far from God,

To offer us this false belief and science fiction fraud!


But things have changed. Your scheme is scrapped.

God has upped the Game!

A rescue plan preempted you, and man is not the same.


You have come to End of Days where walked the Crucified.

His Kingdom came, as King renamed, our souls to Him allied.


We are the glowing embers, from Eden's primal role!

Made the masters of God's Earth; His Breath became our soul.


He made us in His Image! Your seed we never knew!

Now, who'd exchange the One True God, for the likes of you?



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